Prolom Water and Your Health
Prolom Water thanks to its properties (oligomineral, alkaline, bicarbonate), is beneficial as auxiliary mean in treatment of the following diseases:
Kidney and urinary tract diseases:
chronic renal and urinary tract infections,
kidney stone and urinary tract stone,
postoperative urinary tract state,
benign prostate diseases.
Digestive diseases:
hyperacid gastritis,
ulcers of the stomach and duodenum,
intestinal colitis,
chronic constipation,
inflammation of bile and the biliary tract,
postoperative state of digestive organs.
Skin diseases:
psoriasis and other keratinization disorders,
inflammatory dermatoses - eczema, mycosis, and the like.
Locomotor apparatus diseases:
inflammatory rheumatism in early stage,
degenerative rheumatism (arthrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis),
articular and non-articular rheumatism (fibromyalgia, myositis, tendinitis and panniculitis).
Prolom Water has an important role in preservation of health. It belongs to the group of rare low-mineralized waters, which we can drink throughout our life.