Prolom water | Prolom and Your Health

Prolom Water and Your Health

Prolom water plays an important protective role in maintaining health.

Prolom Water and Your Health

Prolom Water thanks to its properties (oligomineral, alkaline, bicarbonate), is beneficial as auxiliary mean in treatment of the following diseases:

Kidney and urinary tract diseases: Prolom water chronic renal and urinary tract infections, Prolom water kidney stone and urinary tract stone, Prolom water postoperative urinary tract state, Prolom water benign prostate diseases.

Digestive diseases: Prolom water hyperacid gastritis, Prolom water ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, Prolom water intestinal colitis, Prolom water chronic constipation, Prolom water inflammation of bile and the biliary tract, Prolom water gallstones, Prolom water postoperative state of digestive organs.

Skin diseases: Disc psoriasis and other keratinization disorders, Disc inflammatory dermatoses - eczema, mycosis, and the like.

Locomotor apparatus diseases: Disc inflammatory rheumatism in early stage, Disc degenerative rheumatism (arthrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis), Disc articular and non-articular rheumatism (fibromyalgia, myositis, tendinitis and panniculitis).

Prolom Water has an important role in preservation of health. It belongs to the group of rare low-mineralized waters, which we can drink throughout our life.

Treatment programs | Natural Mineral Prolom Water

To Whom it May Concern,
In order to enable the effect of drinking Prolom water to be the greatest possible, please share your experiences with us, or if you have, ask questions to our doctors in Prolom Banja.